❓FAQ Rebus staking
Can I use metamask to buy REBUS tokens at frontier.osmosis.zone?
- No, you can only connect with Keplr. See the video guide on this topic:
How many tokens can I delegate to a stack?
- There is no limit.
How long will the APY last over 7000%?
- It depends on many factors, there are no predictions on this. Watch the tokenomics and draw your own conclusions.
How long does unbond last?
- 21 days.
Where can I buy/sell REBUS tokens?
- DEX — Osmosis. CEX — MEXC and Bitmart.
Can I submit a $REBUS token for Airdrop?
- Registration for Airdrop was closed on August 31st, where you had to stack $ATOM, $OSMO, $EVMOS tokens for that.
What are the conditions for receiving parts 4 and 5 of Airdrop REBUS?
Retain 40% of the previous Airdrop to get the NFT-ID freemint, which is expected at the end of November.
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