Web 3.0 in the context of the development of social networks
Web3 covers all the already established segments of Web2 and the horizon of application goes to infinity. And in this article we will touch on the application of technology on the example of social projects.
Web3 — the concept of a new, third generation Internet, decentralized and working on a blockchain and token economy.
Simply put, Web3 is the Internet, where user data are not stored on the side of large corporations like Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple, but in decentralized databases and you become the full owner of the content you produce.
Web3 will create platforms that no one controls, but that everyone can trust because of the algorithms and protocols that underlie them. This is proposed to be achieved through advanced technologies such as blockchain, machine learning, big data and artificial intelligence. Tokens and cryptocurrencies, independent of traditional financial systems, should fuel the economy of the third generation Internet.
Examples of Social Networks in Web 3.0
— Lens Protocol allows different users in a community to come together under one profile without giving one person full control.
Today’s social media user experience is designed for individuals. Existing platforms are not designed for decentralized communities that can have different ways of self-organization.
Beyond that, Lens Protocol suggests that DAOs should be built on a set of tools that integrate not only governance and finance, but also identity with the community.
Chained tools for DAOs typically center around voting and finances and are anonymous by default.
The DAO toolkit could expand to include social, collaborative, and productive features that would otherwise exist in separate off-chain forces.
- Subsocial is a platform that allows anyone to run their own decentralized social networks and markets that are resistant to censorship. Subsocial will help create its own decentralized version of popular sites like Medium, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc.
To summarize
In the Web2 era, we no longer own our data as soon as it hits the Internet: you can be blocked if the content is inappropriate, you can cancel a transaction, etc. It turns out that we give all our documents and data to the servers at our own risk. The emergence of Web3 looks like an opening for getting security and protecting your data.
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